Monday, December 31, 2012

True 3D real action, the most unusual features of the C9-release action online game 5.

   "C9", action class online games in 3D without lock free blow as a selling point, the perfect 3D effects with the play, allowing the player to play the popular and fashion. Moment flooded with numerous online games market, witnessed the success of "C9" Action online games, many new online games are following suit, marked with the "action" label, but in reality often has little to do with the "action", the real action class online games must have the condition is 3D, and no lock free combat, and so on. (1)

Action online game features a hard straight
"C9" perfect interpretation of all the features of the action class online games, the first feature was undoubtedly hard straight. The so-called hard straight game inside game character enemy damage caused by the role of the body backwards and transient attack can not be action status. "C9" inside, when the role when it was attacked because of various circumstances lead to different lengths of time hard straight state. (2)

Action online games features two tyrants
The so-called tyrants body, is simply invincible. Use the skills in the role, the skill comes invincible state, when the skills being attacked, Pa body skills can force a complete, but the injury according to operator. The continuity of the body of state hegemony, "C9" effectively allowing the player to keep attacks and persistent. Of course, the the skills comes tyrants status will own broken body of state hegemony, breaking the tyrants body skills to be able to interrupt the low skill tyrants body Conversely, breaking tyrants body skills interrupted not tyrants body skills. (3)

Action online game features three floating
The so-called float, is in the game, the role skills to combat in the air, then, the role can still be attacked, rather than ignore all judgment. When the role is floating in the air and the presence of judgment when called floating. "C9" There are many skills to be able to lead character floating, When Role floating, favor the other continued to attack and to improve the hit rate of attacks.
Action online game features four batter
In simple terms, the batter refers to the action class online role attack so that the other is hard straight state pummeled behavior. To put it another way, is achieved due to the the attacker closing strokes hard straight time is shorter than the time of the attack back to the free state, able to attack again. "C9", how to even move the player winning the trick, the maximum number of combos or cause the greatest harm done in the shortest possible time, the ultimate goal of batter.
Action online game features five counterattack
Online games which usually refers to the comeback role subjected to attack each other, known as the counter-attack. "C9", for example, each role in the attack, and can use the generic counterattack to avoiding injury or even counter each other, of course, "C9" for individual occupations also designed many different counterattack effects and effects. Elegant player's skill at the right time, using the counter-attack to achieve their goals. (4)

"C9", true 3D real action, tailored to the most unusual action online games for all players.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

BWC countdown: High turn over two days, the Carnival carnival Raiders.


 two days, are you going to spend two days wonderful BWC, the following are some of our suggestions for your reference:

First, watch the game, no doubt is the most important, then you should watch it? You can:

Personality refueling

In the words "World of warcraft" "StarCraft II" stage at the entrance, you'll easily find our Cheerful production area. Pick up the prepared blank refueling card (Cheerful) and colored marker pen, hands draw their own refueling card. The top players in the world want to see you holding a the refueling card, show your personality, cheering them!

Making noise

BWC site receive a free the inflatable up stick, manufactured thrown to the roof of the noise, this is the right way to enjoy gaming match-ups!

Crazy performance

Competition clearance, the rocker arm camera will be in the audience to capture the most crazy players - shake your hands inflatable up stick waving your Cheerful fuel cards, crazy as long as you are eventually locked on the big screen, the prize belongs to you!

Then, the race gap period, you can in our 20,000 square meter venue look around, you can go to:

Seeking signatures

You will be in the area next to the entrance to see the signature area.

First, after the opening ceremony, Blizzard Entertainment CEO and co-founder Mike Morhaime and Netease CEO Ding Lei, will jointly meet with Chinese players and for the players signature.

Blizzard Entertainment's two major epic game series "StarCraft II" and "World of warcraft" producers and developers, including: "StarCraft II development team, Dustin Browder, Eric Matteson (senior game producer) Alan Dabiri (Principal Software Engineer), and "World of warcraft" development team J. Allen Brack (Production Director), and Ion Hazzikostas (the chief fighting designers), will debut meet with players and sign.

, BWC is the domestic Blizzard game players to showcase their talents stage, the latest baked "of the other side of the fog - World of warcraft colleagues Paintings" part of, including: bite, cross, not only will bring their paintings on display, but also The players will be on-site to purchase books sent signature.

Buy peripheral

Horde and Alliance fluff doll? BWC theme Tshirt and poster? Starting publishing doujin album? Go slowly pick here, and then to the scene of the "Blizzard mall" enjoy buy it.

Cosplay, shoot? Speech?

Bring your camera, the famous Korean Cosplay team to pat Spiral Cats (spiral cat). I feel they are not cool enough to the United States? You can also own Cos up, waiting for the camera to capture the moment!

Tour Gallery

"Players Gallery will display all thirty players from freshly baked exclusively for the the BWC draw fanart. Wow VS interstellar hero, ready for the camera, you should not miss. (2)

The dialogue "Blue posts

Communicate face-to-face and the blue posts administrators from the United States Blizzard game official forum, we are all players together to exchange game experience, face-to-face to put forward your suggestions and comments of the Blizzard game, let us listen to your voice!

Painted graffiti

World of warcraft players? Interstellar fan? Come here to paint your logo on it! Face, arm, any place you can think of, we painted master will you draw on the most distinctive games logo. Good bloodthirsty flag face painting, crazy shout "For the Horde", how sounds with a sense of it?

Demo games!

Game demos in our area, in addition to World of warcraft area rich scene Battle, and pet Battle activities, StarCraft II demo area will bring the latest version of the "Heart of the Swarm, and let you enjoy the experience under a piece of information StarCraft II! (3)

    Carnival would be less "Loot" opportunity? We have already announced before after at the closing ceremony, to leave the scene of the player to send a chaomeng special gift - MEGA BLOKS specially produced? The storm spirits Mini hand version. You remember queuing collect Oh! (4)

BWC two days, you have to do what should now know what. Keywords: personality, party, star, camera!

We BWC see!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blue posts: Hunter Arena injury?

        Q: hunters their cooling time, remove beasts Pentium or rephrase it: the effect of long duration or less damage it.
        A: the Beastmaster hunter changes is to make these hunter's pet easier control. So now when a hunter release of the beasts, Pentium, and you surrender some control field skills so that these pets are not timely attack to you or your teammates, you can well protect your team and timely. Another is the Bobcats shock changes, which will reduce the hunters burst damage.
       Asked: Once We outbreak NERF not allow a flat damage it? Hunters can play arena really spend your four years time to modify?
        A: I do not know what is your situation, but I think Hunter is thriving in the arena or. I also think that the hunter before the season, there are some very strong combination, such as PHD, when people do not like their team composition, 3DPS can also play good results there including hunter.
      Let me say a sustained total damage and harm to the outbreak. Bobcats impact the changes will directly weaken the outbreak of the hunter instant damage, but it will increase the total amount of lasting damage, of course, based on the DOT directly outbreak of the form. So, you can use the flash chase high outbreak injury, or with the Bobcats to maintain high sustained damage, depending on your own STYLE. Fox spirit guardian before we delete changes can also help the hunter on the move to maintain high sustained damage. Finally, keep in mind that all of these changes are not final, there will be more changes to this point I have to say a lot of times.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

【The South China Pavo · Raiders】 days of family 41 gold weapon graphic detail the process task name: strange report - as well as the follow-up task

    The trigger NPC: bliss, Sage stacks, Coser Nuofen,

    Trigger conditions:
1 day family man to reach 41;

Beltran city mission task completed, including 21 "conspiracy of the Dragon" mission of hidden; stack room on the second floor secret stacks can trigger entry qualification (2 floor door guards next task, go to Bay City to find Legion long letters of recommendation, and come back to the stacks to pay off can be allowed to enter).
Series of tasks until well into the task difficulty: through cracks go Mozu Mozu copy.
Rewards: 41 gold weapons, 400 million experience
Task flow:
First made out the strange report task (non-mission), three paper only go to a copy of the revolutionary group, an underground palace out attache a third page, the assassination of soldiers out of the second page, the channel entrance strange the first page.

Then go back and find the Coser Nuofen, trigger follow-up [team] experimental body RM-78c task (non-mission), we need to get rid of the copy of the revolutionary group RM-78c, which is a copy of the biggest BB is "synthetic life body "mission task last kill BOSS. (1)

Xi Kaiya (author of "living tissue" to get to go back and find Coser Nuofen trigger follow up "analysis of living tissue" tasks (non-mission), respectively dialogue stacks 2 of Gellar, Virginia and the guardian of the temple of Magic Star ), and come back to find the Coser Nuofen. (2)

Then trigger follow up "within Leeson clues within Leeson Guardian Pouilly Aisen Lin Institute near the location as shown below. (3)

Then trigger follow-up [sneaked into / team] of Al Que Mia Walled City spy reported that members of the task, this is to enter the Mozu 44 elite mob the task, you need to go in through the cracks of time and space in the copy of the revolutionary group, the point is The recent near point across directly to elite strange to find a "Hamlet". (4)

Dialogue to Reiter, trigger subsequent task sneaked into / team] "suspicious revolutionary group of experts" is in the current map kill Al Que Mia Walled City spy revolutionary group experts blame, and five of the revolutionary group to prove need Description not every expert out, good luck fifteen minutes played, bad luck played half an hour is not necessarily the most important thing is, here is the the Mozu elite strange area, if you encounter Mozu harassment, not Lidi best is and so do the middle of the night and then steal. This monster in the door of the Mozu copy more four fairly fast refresh. (5)

Played five items, go back and find Leite, dialogue trigger a follow-up task [sneaked into / team] "In Search of the Institute of keys" The key is the the elite strange area bridge above the BOSS --- warden Will Milen this strange refresh compare fast, as long as no the Mozu harassment kill is not a problem. (6)

After you hit a key, go back and find the Reiter dialogue trigger subsequent tasks sneaked into / team] "and search for evidence, this is the last task in Mozu find a lab diary into a copy to note that the copy much more difficult than the days of family revolutionary group, it is best to sneak into the the Mozu territory must be more than a little the resurrection wizard rock and the red and blue medicine. Death is inevitable. Diary go straight after entering the second turn on the right side of the bookcase, must be a whole group of people get together, otherwise you need to and then the next copy. (7)

Note: a copy of difficulty, the monster intensive, ultra-high attack, the patrolling soldiers (dog) series Yinguai playing a dynamic all, so it is necessary techniques and technology, it is recommended that you slowly safer. Note that open the door a middle channel in addition to the two patrolling elite, there are the two assassination soldiers hidden, nothing more than open lighting under investigation around the monster, reduce the number of destroy mission. (8)

(Copies can the unlimited intake, as long as your current task there, I here to thank and we went into do the task. They copy out to save when we do key tasks the Mozu harassment was almost destroy mission since we swept the inferno, the team that makes the author's successful completion. So I remind you, the same day family task Mozu map to unite, support the same below the tribe also help themselves to the successful completion of the task The key, many hands) (9)

Go back and find dug diary the Coser Nuofen, trigger the "conspiracy of the revolutionary group task, respectively dialogue stacks 2 of Gellar, Virginia and the guardian of the temple of Xi Kaiya (author of Magic Star), and come back to find Branch Se Nuofen last again went within Leeson. (10)

Morrison trigger follow-up dialogue within [team] destruction full body task, the task strange abyss above the upper east side of Astor Leah Lake monster hidden in the three hole, but I only found two, position as shown below refresh monster about 20-30 minutes, in fact, done the Mozu map task, this however is the time to wait just friends. (11)

Get 10 cells to go back and find the Coser Nuofen obtained 41 gold weapons, is shown in Fig. (12)

Task feelings: task difficult in other revolutionary group stage of the cracks and into the inferno Territory Fortunately, the author is not too much Mozu practice there, and there were two groups of people sneak into the inside, so it feels fairly simple if to late The proposed group of the team, we still to go, etc. to play task monster before grouping broke, as far as possible all together, so that even in the face Mozu also not afraid to bring resurrection stone is absolutely the right choice.

Finally, a close-up of our team, Meko's really handsome bow (13) (14)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Barbarian split tear stream sword and shield in hand more comfortable

I spent most of my time playing are split ground and tear, a little talk about it.

Did not wear strange skills, given his body was surrounded at the foot of some elements that damage is easy to die. Immortality also affect efficiency, because the the hack required range is positive cone, needs to be moved to adjust the angle. Tearing useless distance to put tear need to be very close to the monster, so surrounded probability is very high, and an active skills through the monster skills is still very necessary.

The conventional 3 through the monster skills, Whirlwind, jump, Emergency. The jump is the most suitable, CD long. Assault with less CD Rune is very suitable for the split, not only CD short, and split off anger back and forth to punch or two can quickly fill up anger.

Whirlwind anger angle that is not conducive to the auxiliary split in his own consumption anger skills split to high consumption anger skills itchy, if necessary through the monster just put a little hack to empty anger, and then pass enough.

Join Whirlwind is not no, the only way of fighting will be closer to the dual cyclone Parkour variants, most of the time or dual cyclone output split only in blue fat Succubus spearmen with. Specific election which see their hobby, I assault.

Six active skills only three sprint battle roar, tearing, and adjustments can only start this three dynamic. Is actually sacrificing speed / damage / defense to solve the problem, does not want to pay the price to solve the problem is impossible, certainly have a sacrifice, sacrifice anything to see their choice.

Sprint two reform law:

1) directly remove sprint

2) sprint Rune change repel the siege can hit with sprint, which requires immortal sets to support back anger Also note that each group so after save full of anger.

While this did not sacrifice speed, imprisonment, or can not be resolved, the equipment requirements. (By the way, the split stream 5 immortal can do with the weapons, 1500 DPS 8 split storms, find comes with 150 blast injury, equal to a hole-for 200DPS injury is almost back anger effect 8 split to violence is not more than 10 storm a lot worse, but the liberation of a weapons master passive).

I think that is a great loss to get rid of the sprint and tear, after all, now build efficiency for the first goal, did not sprint affect Paolu exhaust plus tear can basically do not spend extra time on the premise to close out the experience of all the little monsters.

So I suggest that complement or equipment on the resistance, and then at the expense of better battle roar. This is also in line with the trend, 1.05 wants to play difficult is bound to complement anti-armor, no BUFF700/7000 is not difficult to do.

Another Slam is not necessary to change the frenzy, the left-skills used to hack to finishing crippled strange blood, with little frenzy rarely to 5 layers, the production also less anger. Tearing best to change the scope of passive a vampire suck enough, do not need to tear to suck blood.

Skills Slam split to aftershocks, sprint exhaust, tear range, assault Less CD crit back anger.