Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Barbarian split tear stream sword and shield in hand more comfortable

I spent most of my time playing are split ground and tear, a little talk about it.

Did not wear strange skills, given his body was surrounded at the foot of some elements that damage is easy to die. Immortality also affect efficiency, because the the hack required range is positive cone, needs to be moved to adjust the angle. Tearing useless distance to put tear need to be very close to the monster, so surrounded probability is very high, and an active skills through the monster skills is still very necessary.

The conventional 3 through the monster skills, Whirlwind, jump, Emergency. The jump is the most suitable, CD long. Assault with less CD Rune is very suitable for the split, not only CD short, and split off anger back and forth to punch or two can quickly fill up anger.

Whirlwind anger angle that is not conducive to the auxiliary split in his own consumption anger skills split to high consumption anger skills itchy, if necessary through the monster just put a little hack to empty anger, and then pass enough.

Join Whirlwind is not no, the only way of fighting will be closer to the dual cyclone Parkour variants, most of the time or dual cyclone output split only in blue fat Succubus spearmen with. Specific election which see their hobby, I assault.

Six active skills only three sprint battle roar, tearing, and adjustments can only start this three dynamic. Is actually sacrificing speed / damage / defense to solve the problem, does not want to pay the price to solve the problem is impossible, certainly have a sacrifice, sacrifice anything to see their choice.

Sprint two reform law:

1) directly remove sprint

2) sprint Rune change repel the siege can hit with sprint, which requires immortal sets to support back anger Also note that each group so after save full of anger.

While this did not sacrifice speed, imprisonment, or can not be resolved, the equipment requirements. (By the way, the split stream 5 immortal can do with the weapons, 1500 DPS 8 split storms, find comes with 150 blast injury, equal to a hole-for 200DPS injury is almost back anger effect 8 split to violence is not more than 10 storm a lot worse, but the liberation of a weapons master passive).

I think that is a great loss to get rid of the sprint and tear, after all, now build efficiency for the first goal, did not sprint affect Paolu exhaust plus tear can basically do not spend extra time on the premise to close out the experience of all the little monsters.

So I suggest that complement or equipment on the resistance, and then at the expense of better battle roar. This is also in line with the trend, 1.05 wants to play difficult is bound to complement anti-armor, no BUFF700/7000 is not difficult to do.

Another Slam is not necessary to change the frenzy, the left-skills used to hack to finishing crippled strange blood, with little frenzy rarely to 5 layers, the production also less anger. Tearing best to change the scope of passive a vampire suck enough, do not need to tear to suck blood.

Skills Slam split to aftershocks, sprint exhaust, tear range, assault Less CD crit back anger.

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